Fleet Optimization
Enhancing Existing Fleet Management Dashboards
ABC Fleet management software or ABC Telematics service provider equips commercial fleets with telematics systems such as dongles, blackboxes, and other IoT devices. It also provides a fleet management platform that can include modules for live tracking, schedule management, route optimization, repairs scheduling, and driver behavior in connection with the hardware.
To gain a competitive edge and improve its services around driver behavior and fleet optimization, ABC Fleet Management Software plans to consume Motion-S advanced analytics to enhance its current dashboards. These analytics cover the following topics:
- Driving context
- Safety
- Energy-efficiency
- Vehicle wear & tear
- Fleet composition in terms of EV transition
Sending Trip Data To Motion-S' API
With already a mass of data at hand, it would be charming to get deeper insights through advanced data analytics. Our fleet management software company proposes to its clients data collection devices such as dongles and blackboxes, and a simple fleet management dashboard for monitoring the fleet's vehicles' positions and the detection of geofencing events. Due to customer demand, the company is willing to integrate and enrich its existing dashboard with risk assessment of the fleet members and energy efficiency analytics.
With more than one fleet customer in its portfolio, the company needs first to create multiple fleets via Fleet creation ].
📘Good to know
For more information about the proper format for submitting a trip, read our guide on Sending Trip Data.
To send trip data to the Motion-S platform, use Trip creation.
Retrieving Analytics
For enhancing its current dashboards, ABC Fleet Management Software can consume any or all of the endpoints available in the API catalog: risk, energy-efficiency, vehicle wear, or transition to electromobility. The API Suite offers analytics on fleet, driver, and trip levels.
Providing an overview of how the fleet performs in safety is a must. Using Risk summary provides the clients with a high-level overview of the risk score itself, but also on the score composition: which risky events contributed to what extent to the score.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/risk/v2/summary?days=14' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"score": 89,
"subscores": {
"speeding": 92,
"complying": 86,
"cornering": 89,
"accelerating": 90,
"braking": 86,
"resting": 92
"factors": {
"speeding": {
"frequency": 0.07,
"intensity": 1.05,
"penalty": "low",
"bad": 5141,
"total": 77373
"complying": {
"frequency": 3.29,
"intensity": "low",
"penalty": "low",
"bad": 61,
"total": 69044
"cornering": {
"frequency": 0.04,
"intensity": "low",
"penalty": "low",
"bad": 16,
"total": 589
"accelerating": {
"frequency": 0.04,
"intensity": "low",
"penalty": "low",
"bad": 33,
"total": 566
"braking": {
"frequency": 0.05,
"intensity": "low",
"penalty": "low",
"bad": 27,
"total": 397
"resting": {
"bad": 1,
"total": 39
📘Good to know
For more information about how we assess risk, read our guide on Risk Assessment.
A possible frontend implementation could include the overall score and the fleet's composition of bad, average, and good drivers.
Diving deep into the contribution of subfactors to the score is possible, too.
It is important to know when and where the risky events happened and how the individual drivers evolved to coach drivers. Using Context allows diving into where and under which conditions the factors are triggered.
Same as for analytics for risk, insights into energy consumption can be retrieved on different levels: fleets, drivers, or trips.
📘Good to know
For more information about how we assess energy efficiency, read our guide on Energy Efficiency.
Using our energy efficiency analytics API call provides answers to the average eco score weighted by distance, the sum of CO2 emissions in kg, the sum of traffic CO2 emissions in kg, the estimated average of fuel consumption (in L/100 km), and the average of traffic fuel consumption (in L/100 km).
To get the fleet's, driver's or trip's eco score, use Eco summary. It returns also CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/eco/v1/summary?fleet_id=-1&device_id=-1&driver_id=-1&trip_id=-1' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"eco_score": 79,
"co2_emissions": 2.2,
"traffic_co2_emissions": 2.091,
"fuel_consumption": 5.9,
"traffic_fuel_consumption": 5.705
Vehicle wear and the associated maintenance are significant factors in the overall cost calculation for a fleet. Predictive maintenance, meaning predicting when a component has to be replaced, is of real added value to schedule maintenance and prevent unforeseen breakdowns. Like analytics for risk and energy efficiency, insights into vehicle health can be retrieved on different levels: fleets, drivers, or trips.
📘Good to know
For more information about how we assess vehicle health, read our guide on Vehicle Wear, and check the relevant calls to assess Vehicle Wear.
Using Vehicle wear summary returns a JSON with the scores per component and the influencing factors contributing to the score for each of the components.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/wear/v1/summary' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"wear_score": 76.93,
"battery": {
"battery_score": 44.3,
"charge_efficiency_score": 44.3
"body": {
"body_score": 83.18,
"pct_locations_with_dense_traffic_score": 75.67,
"commercial_area_score": 90.68
"brakes": {
"brakes_score": 77.22,
"pct_locations_with_high_braking_score": 69.83,
"braking_dowhhill_density_score": 84.61
"engine": {
"engine_score": 90.83,
"jackrabbit_start_density_score": 100,
"temperature_in_degrees_score": 100,
"pct_locations_with_inefficient_speed_score": 80.5,
"pct_locations_with_harsh_accl_score": 73.68,
"pct_locations_with_harsh_acc_at_low_temp_score": 100
"suspension": {
"suspension_score": 75.09,
"proportions_performace_according_to_IRI_score": 75.09
"transmission": {
"transmission_score": 60.88,
"gear_change_density_score": 60.88
"tyres": {
"tyres_score": 74.05,
"proportions_road_quality_score": 47.78,
"proportions_temperature_score": 98.52
Fleet Composition and Electromobility
Our Fleet Composition Analytics allows fleet managers to understand whether they would benefit from upgrading any of their vehicles to full electric, plug-in hybrid, or hybrid models based on the fleet’s mobility patterns. Using our calls for EV Assessment provides the fleet manager with the optimal fleet composition, EV charging infrastructure, scores for the three different engine types (BEV, HEV, and PHEV), as well as possible savings.
📘Good to know
For more information about how we assess energy efficiency, read our guide on EV Assessment.
Finding out which motorization type is the most suitable one can be done with EV summary.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/ev/v1/summary?driver_id=-1&fleet_id=-1&driver_features=true&driver_features_scaled=true&penalizing_rules=true' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"ev_score": 70.106,
"hev_score": 82.766,
"phev_score": 69.512,
"recommended_vehicle_type": "EV",
"driver_features": {
"ev_charger_at_home_last": 1,
"ev_charger_at_work_last": 0,
"nb_ev_chargers_close_to_destination_median": 0,
"max_power_kW_destination_median": 0,
"stop_time_before_trip_median": 83876,
"smooth_driving_median": "smooth",
"daily_distance_median": 4.264,
"proportion_high_speed_distance": 0.165,
"proportion_low_speed_distance": 0.28,
"percentage_long_trips": 0
"driver_features_scaled": {
"ev_charger_at_home_last": 1,
"ev_charger_at_work_last": 0,
"nb_ev_chargers_close_to_destination_median": 0,
"max_power_kW_destination_median": 0,
"stop_time_before_trip_median": 0.193,
"smooth_driving_median": 0,
"daily_distance_median": 0,
"proportion_high_speed_distance": 0.165,
"proportion_low_speed_distance": 0.28,
"percentage_long_trips": 0
"most_penalizing_rules": {
"ev": {
"rule_label": "ruleMedium2",
"rule_activation": 0.413,
"rule_definition": "proportion_high_speed_distance[med] AND (NOT-proportion_low_speed_distance[low])"
"hev": {
"rule_label": "ruleMedium3",
"rule_activation": 0,
"rule_definition": "smooth_driving_median[rough] AND proportion_high_speed_distance[low]"
"phev": {
"rule_label": "ruleMedium3",
"rule_activation": 0.413,
"rule_definition": "proportion_high_speed_distance[med] AND proportion_low_speed_distance[med]"
Using Fleet composition returns the optimal fleet composition in terms of BEV, PHEV, HEV, or ICE.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/ev/v1/fleet_composition?fleet_id=-1' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"ev": 3,
"phev": 0,
"hev": 2,
"ice": 0
Adding Coaching Elements
Coaching drivers to drive more safe and sustainably is key in a holistic fleet management approach. Using Coaching provides drivers and fleet managers with hints how to improve their driving.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/coaching/v2/drive?days=14&ignore_cache=false&language=en&n_tips=3' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'
"Be more respectful of traffic rules near intersections",
"Be more respectful of speed limits at night",
"Be smoother when accelerating on wet or icy roads"
PDF Reports
It's always nice to have a temporary performance snapshot for a given reporting period. As an alternative or complement to the dashboards, ABC fleet management software would like to provide a PDF report to its clients, presenting the scores and optimization opportunities. For this, instead of investing resources in-house, it can use Motion-S endpoints to automatically generate such reports in any of the relevant topics of analytics.
To create automatically PDF reports, use Pdf risk report. PDF reports for energy, wear and EV transition are coming soon!
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.motion-s.com/analytics/risk/v1/report?days=14&ignore_cache=false&language=en' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-Api-Key: <Your API Key>'